ideas4all Innovation (@ideas4all) en Twitter

Perfil del twitter ideas4all

ideas4all Innovation
Ubicación: Madrid & Global
We are leaders in innovation through collective talent. Software and consulting specialized in innovation. Listen to the ideas of those who know you best.
Sigue a37,702
Tweets enviados122,248
Twitea desde12/2007
Ultimo Tweet08/06/2021

Historia de @ideas4all

FechaSeguidoresSigue aTweets
13/04/201954,192 39,256 119,668
15/04/201954,195 +339,254 -2 119,678 +10
17/04/201954,191 -439,243 -11 119,695 +17
19/04/201954,191 = 39,240 -3 119,695 =
21/04/201954,186 -539,236 -4 119,695 =
23/04/201954,187 +139,233 -3 119,722 +27
25/04/201954,189 +239,230 -3 119,748 +26
27/04/201954,188 -139,226 -4 119,756 +8
29/04/201954,187 -139,216 -10 119,772 +16
01/05/201954,182 -539,219 +3 119,782 +10
03/05/201954,172 -1039,230 +11 119,799 +17
06/05/201954,176 +439,228 -2 119,811 +12
08/05/201954,174 -239,225 -3 119,832 +21
11/05/201954,147 -2739,225 = 119,852 +20
18/05/201954,096 -5139,218 -7 119,911 +59
24/05/201954,081 -1539,204 -14 119,969 +58
02/06/201954,077 -439,191 -13 120,014 +45
13/06/201954,069 -839,177 -14 120,102 +88
22/06/201954,037 -3239,162 -15 120,149 +47
09/06/202152,167 -1,87037,702 -1,460 122,248 +2,099

Tweets de @ideas4all

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