A good lawyer knows thelaw;big one knows the judge (@area_legal) en Twitter

Perfil del twitter Area_Legal

A good lawyer knows thelaw;big one knows the judge
Ubicación: España
All the information about the current legality, laws, lawyers, courts, documentation, courses, seminars, events, etc.
Sigue a53,781
Tweets enviados29,518
Twitea desde08/2012
Ultimo Tweet30/07/2019

Historia de @area_legal

FechaSeguidoresSigue aTweets
28/03/201960,323 54,804 29,165
01/04/201960,311 -1254,765 -39 29,176 +11
05/04/201960,283 -2854,739 -26 29,187 +11
08/04/201960,235 -4854,697 -42 29,195 +8
11/04/201960,194 -4154,643 -54 29,204 +9
14/04/201960,181 -1354,630 -13 29,211 +7
17/04/201960,149 -3254,612 -18 29,220 +9
20/04/201960,132 -1754,594 -18 29,226 +6
23/04/201960,144 +1254,590 -4 29,233 +7
26/04/201960,111 -3354,569 -21 29,242 +9
29/04/201960,082 -2954,551 -18 29,249 +7
02/05/201960,018 -6454,525 -26 29,258 +9
05/05/201960,011 -754,507 -18 29,266 +8
08/05/201959,955 -5654,465 -42 29,275 +9
13/05/201959,929 -2654,448 -17 29,287 +12
19/05/201959,871 -5854,396 -52 29,305 +18
26/05/201959,801 -7054,342 -54 29,326 +21
08/06/201959,658 -14354,202 -140 29,365 +39
16/06/201959,576 -8254,135 -67 29,387 +22
30/07/201959,157 -41953,781 -354 29,518 +131

Tweets de @area_legal

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